4 Can or must the matrimonial property regime be registered?

4.1. Do one or more matrimonial property registers exist in your country? Where?

The Civil Registry offices hold a record of the applicable matrimonial property regime (Art. 180 et seq. Civil Registry Code). If the spouses entered into a marriage contract prior to the marriage, this should be mentioned in the marriage certificate, which is registered in the respective Civil Registry (Art. 190 Civil Registry Code).

4.2. Which documents are registered? Which information is registered?

In addition to the general requirements, the marriage certificate must include, among other information, a note as to whether the marriage is to be celebrated with or without a marriage contract, a reference to the relevant instrument or document containing the details of the stipulated matrimonial property regime and the type of property regime if it is one of the above types (Art. 181 Civil Registry Code)

4.3. How and by whom can the information in the register be accessed?

The Civil Registry is public.

4.4. What are the legal effects of registration (validity, opposability)?

A marriage contract may only be opposed to third parties if it has been registered (Art. 1711 para. 1 CC and Art. 191 para. 1 Civil Registry Code).